Lighting Your Way to Jamajaron
On the pleasure planet Risa, people are very welcoming and open with their affections for visitors. VERY open. In fact, most vacationers to Risa are known to return to their regular lives with knowing smiles on their faces.
They are known to bring back trinkets from their visits -- reminders of their time, their casting away of their inhibitions, and the personal connections made there. The infamous Horga'hn, for example, a fertility idol that, when displayed invites others to join in jamaharon. The Risan to Standard translation is a bit muddy on the word, but for those who seek jamaharon and find it? Well, they just know...
You too can seek Jamaharon in your own home with this handsome table lamp. The base is modeled from the Risan Horga'hn symbol and is crowned with standard Earth illumination sockets - also known as light-bulbs. For those who know, they know. Those that don't will just believe you have a pleasant tropical-inspired lamp decorating your space.
- 14 Inch tall Table Lamp with standard E26 Light Bulb Socket up to 40W
- US 110v / 60Hz Power
- For those seeking jamaharon